Who We Are

We’re coaches.

All Melius coaches have worked and / or competed in high-performance sport. But, more importantly, across more than 20 years of coaching experience, we’ve worked with people from all walks of life. We’ve delivered corporate well-being programmes to some of the largest, most successful companies in the world.

Despite some pretty significant experience, we’re only certain of one thing: that we’re still learning. We can always find ways to improve. That’s where the name Melius comes from: the endless quest to get better.

  • In over 20 years of coaching, we’ve learned a lot of lessons. We hold ourselves to account to provide services of the highest quality and to share the knowledge we’ve gained with our members in an honest and transparent way.

  • We are all unique individuals who deserve to be treated with empathy and compassion. We’ll meet you where you are at today, to help you get to where you want to be tomorrow.

  • A major part of our process in helping you live a long and healthy life is encouraging you to find harmony between responsibility and enjoyment, between obligation and freedom. Let’s look for ways to punctuate the daily grind with things that bring joy and fun.

Our Values

  • Far too many people attempting to improve their health and well-being end up falling away due to a lack of support and connection. We believe in the ‘power of the pack’ and building a sense of belonging, support and accountability that will help you stay on track.

  • Well thought-out plans and positive thinking are of course vital, but only action can create real change. Even the smallest steps add up to significant progress over time when applied consistently. We’ll help you uncover ways to keep moving in the right direction, whatever your goal may be.

  • We’re curious and thirsty for knowledge, and encourage our members to always stay on the lookout for a better way. When we set our mentality to focus on mastery and self-improvement, we put ourselves on a course for growth.

  • Progress is never linear. Let’s work together to find the courage and sense of adventure to stay committed, take on adversity and pursue your purpose, no matter what obstacles or environmental changes may arise. Staying on track in the tough times is where excellence is born.

  • We can help you recognise and prepare for potential barriers to success by adding to your mental and physical ‘toolbox’ so no matter the situation, you have the resources to meet any moment with the appropriate response.
    By accepting that life is fluid, and even chaotic at times, we can learn to embrace change as an opportunity and not a threat.

  • This is the foundation that the Melius house is built on. We live for positivity and authenticity, and our responsibility is that your experience is one filled with humour, care, connection and honest communication.

What We Do

Melius exists to help people reach their potential.

You have a destination in mind. We help you get there. It doesn’t matter where ‘there’ is for you; it might be a sporting goal, a personal development objective, a company-wide target or a desire for improved health and quality of life for you and your loved ones.

At Melius we have the tools to adapt to any situation and to guide you on the path to where you most want to be. Once we begin working together, we are responsible for your success, and we take that commitment very seriously.

Melius means improvement, development, learning, growth.

At Melius our own goals are always very clear. Help people get better at things that matter to them, while doing so in a way that is honest, inclusive, engaging and enjoyable.

We care about the whole person. So a word you’ll often hear us use is ‘holistic’. You may have one very clear-cut goal that you’d like us to help you achieve, but you can be sure that the tools and strategies we’ll teach you in the pursuit of that goal will be applicable to any situation in your life. Our objective is to help you become a more well-rounded, confident and, most of all, content version of yourself.